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Writer's pictureDr. Frank Simon

When the Days Stopped Being Happy

By Matthew Singleton

So the other day, I was watching TV, and something shocked me. It was Happy Days, the American classic sitcom. In this episode, Ritchie was sick. The Fonz was stopping by, apparently to borrow Ritchie’s car for a date.

But he sneaks through the window and smuggles Ritchie a Playboy magazine.** (It was a famous pornography magazine.)

I’ve watched some other early episodes. There were several references to pornography. How could the wholesome 1970’s show about the more conservative 1950’s have such a topic?

Pornography is a natural part of this fallen world. It has been around even in ancient history.***

In fact, ancient pagan temples use to control the government: they would rule with temple prostitutes, and pornographic art would cover the buildings.  These profanities would bleed out into other social ills. Sodomy, rape, incest, violence, and leaving newborns outside to die marked these societies.

The difference between a golden age of America and the ancient societies is simple.  In that golden age, the evils of society were hidden from the public.  Yet among the heathen and today, these evils are on parade.  The things which are a shame today are categorically in the realm of righteousness.

Today in America, if you stand for the traditional family, you are scowled upon. You are the minority.  You are assumed privileged.  But your lifestyle is tougher. It is just more successful and proficient.

Now, the edgy way of life brings dangers that, while exciting, victimizes those around you. The habit of watching pornography, though gross, does not seem to make a lot of victims. But that’s only at first.

What are the differences between performing pornography and being a prostitute? The differences are who is paying the money and whether or not the sexual act is recorded. Those involved in the sexual acts can still be victims.

Meanwhile, the monster of lust demands more and more. Playboy is ironically not as successful anymore, since society wants more out of porn.

As the porn industry grows, so it magnifies prostitution, and many young poor people turn to prostitution to make a living, while human traffickers capture others for sexual use. Some say that America now houses over a million women and children for sex slavery.****

We are no longer the land of the free, are we? Did Fonzie and Ritchie really know what they were doing exchanging that Playboy magazine?  More importantly, did Ron Howard and Henry Winkler know?

Prostitution***** is an exercise of economic power to suspend societal authority. Prostitution attacks the nature of parental authority, especially in patriarchal society (but not limited to that).

Why? How can the father be devoted to his family if he is with other women and eventually other children?

So, we see that the increase of socialism extends government power, and we see the opposite movement of prostitution linked to it.

Why does promoting sexual liberty in the form of prostitution get attached to such an anti-liberty ideology like socialism?  Simple: a secure family does not need socialistic leadership. 

So, they want to get rid of dad. If the family is successful, then the government is not needed as often.

So, as we start looking at the big picture, we see families in large numbers being ripped apart.  The government adjusts to a disabled society bearing the fruits of socialism.


** Happy Days "The Cunningham Caper"  Season 2 Episode 14 January 21,  1975

*** The history of erotic depictions includes paintingssculpturephotographsdramatic artsmusic and writings that show scenes of a sexual nature throughout time. They have been created by nearly every civilization, ancient and modern. Early cultures often associated the sexual act with supernatural forces and thus their religion is intertwined with such depictions. "

**** Reno vs. ACLU 521 US 844 (1997)"It is estimated that there are 1.5 million human trafficking victims in the United States, most of which are children.  The Federal Bureau of Investigation has named Atlanta as one of the top fourteen cities with abnormally high rates of human trafficking.  However, the issue is not limited to Atlanta.  Human trafficking is taking place in every corner of the state of Georgia.",high%20rates%20of%20human%20trafficking.

***** PROSTITUTIONnoun [Latin prostituo.] Webster's 1828 dictionary


A. The act or practice of offering the body to an indiscriminate intercourse with men; common lewdness of a female.

B. The act of setting one's self to sale, or offering one's self to infamous employments; as the prostitution of talents or abilities."


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