Please find the video coverage of the candidates who came to our candidate night. Posted here.
Dr. Simon made an introduction to our 2024 Candidate Forum event. Calvin Leach is running for Kentucky state senate against Yates. He spoke at our candidate forum.
Kevin Bratcher spoke about some of his record as a state legislator, in making the case for electing him as a metro council member.
Mark Gatton spoke at our candidate forum on the topic of the bussing problem in the government school system in Louisville, among other topics.
Matt Singleton spoke at our candidate night in favor of the election of Carrie McKeehan to the Kentucky state legislature.
At our candidate forum, Mike Craven encouraged everyone to watch the video interview with Brett Baier and Kamala Harris. Craven is running for the 3rd Congressional District (U.S. House of Representatives). That represents Jefferson Co., Kentucky.
Bob Devore spoke on some things he'd like to help accomplish as state legislator and in future endeavors on his own.